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Sharing Storage

After you’ve created a storage resource, you can share it with other users in your organization.

Navigate to your storage resource's configuration page.

Clicking on a storage resource.

Click the Sharing tab.

Clicking on the storage resource's sharing tab.

The storage's sharing options are stored here.

An overview of the storage resource's sharing tab.

If you check the View & Edit box, users in the selected group will be able to view and edit the storage's configuration. If it's a persistent storage resource, they'll also be able to start and stop the storage. Other users won’t be able to change the storage's settings for Cloud Infrastructure or Group.

If you check the Mount Storage box, users in the selected group will be able to mount the storage to their cluster, but they won’t be able to view or edit the storage's configuration. Users will be able to see whether the storage is currently running on the Home page, but they won't be able to start or stop it.